Bonding and Reunion
We Filipinos, like any other nationalities love to bond with our friends especially this season.
Just early last week, my friends organized a Christmas Party (more of the Filipino way) in a karaoke place.
Everybody has a part in the preparation of the food and of course the exchange gift in which we would set a minimum amount for the value of the gift.
But for us, it’s usually the “thoughts” that counts that’s why we’re always grateful for whatever gift we would receive and also, since Christmas is an occasion especially for Children, we would also prepare presents for our friends’ children.
This is a common tradition in the Philippines and it may be equivalent to Japan’s “Otoshidama”.
Numbering and Draw by lots
We would put a number on each gift then prepare that same number on a piece of paper then everybody draws one piece of paper each, and she gets the corresponding number of the gift that she picked.
Color coded or twinning of attire
Since this is a special occasion and reunion as well, we simply dressed up in the same color or style which we call “twinning” …
We’re not performing on television or anywhere else 😉 this is just for fun and picture taking of course!
How about you?
I’m sure you attended some gatherings or parties like this.
Well, if you haven’t , it’s not yet too late to organize and have one before the years ends!
Have fun guys and till next time,
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